Yearly Archives: 2011

Loveies, softies, teddies and blankies… Those endearing, well loved,often tattered  objects of security and unconditional love. They’re adorable, but are they good for your baby? Yes! Several studies have been done on the effects of security objects and they have found many positive results with no negative effects. Whether it […]

What you need to know BEFORE you give your baby ...

On July 19th, 2011, HealthGrades Obstetrics and Gynecology in American Hospitals (an independent source of physician information and hospital quality outcomes) released a study that puts the US Cesarean rate at 34%. Hello people; that’s more than one in three!  Look around your childbirth class, or the waiting room at […]

Cesarean Network

The last 24 hours have been some of the fullest of my life.   In the morning I was with my husband and his family as his father passed away; and before the sun had risen again I watched a brand new life slip into the world.  Try to go through […]

Life Goes On