When you tell people your baby is due in the summer you get a lot of comments about how miserable you will be. Dragging a belly full of baby around in the summer heat while everyone else is lithely enjoying sports and activities in tiny outfits with lots of brown skin showing, can promise to be a little less than exciting. But there really are some up sides to summer pregnancy; because, well, you’re pregnant and you know you’re hungry. Always.
Top 5 things to eat while pregnant in the NH Seacoast:
Candy – Craving some dark chocolate, or maybe something a little more exotic like coffee flavored jelly beans or chocolate covered bacon? You can get your handcrafted candy at Byrne & Carlson Chocolatier in Portsmouth or The Chocolatier in Exeter. If you are slightly less discriminating, head on over to the Lindt Factory Outlet in Stratham and get a big ol’ bag of unwrapped truffles – so you can satisfy your cravings without the tell tale wrappers laying all over the house.
Farm fresh produce – Directly at the farms, or at convenient Farmers Markets, you will find some of the freshest and most delicious produce all summer long. Run out right now, today, and catch the special sweetness of locally grown strawberries before they disappear. Explore some foods you have never tried – or revisit some you have rejected in the past. Your tastes may be vastly different while pregnant. Look, touch, smell – try what appeals to you. Splurge a little, you can justify the added expense as an investment in your baby’s health! Find some great local foods with the help of Seacoast Harvest. Choose a farm or farmers’ market and make a fun date out of it.
Fair Food – Somehow you look a little less obscene eating a corn dog on a stick or a deep fried Twinkie (or both) when you are extremely pregnant. Take advantage. The Stratham Fair ( July 19 – 22 this year) has both of these and more! You can almost imagine that the walk from your parking place burns off all the calories.
Lobster – No sushi or raw shellfish while pregnant? No shark, swordfish or marlin? No problem. Eat lobster every week! Lobster is a great protein source and low in calories – if you skip that butter. Go ahead and enjoy the whole clam bake. As long as your lobster and clams are cooked there’s no reason not to enjoy them. Personally I like my lobster at Newick’s in Dover – a simple no frills lobster dinner that was caught right from the view you are enjoying as you eat it. With the scarcity of real “on the water” dining on our seacoast it will always be popular. My secret tip for frequent lobster lovers is to check out your local grocery store. In my town, the Market Place in Durham will steam lobsters for only $1. Last summer I enjoyed many a delicious lobster dinner on my own patio by calling ahead and ordering a couple steamed lobsters and sending my dear husband out to pick them up while I set the table. Several times we got them for only $4.99 a pound, and they even came with lemons!
And of course the number one thing to eat while pregnant in the summer is….
ICE CREAM! There are so many great places to eat ice cream in our area, and the views are often as delicious as the ice cream. So squash that little voice in your head that tells you ice cream is bad, plan room in your diet for a regular treat, and tell yourself that the calcium is important for growing babies.
NH ICE CREAM MAP – yes Virginia, there really is a map listing some of the best places to enjoy ice cream in NH. Think you can hit them all before you deliver?
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