
The message is finally getting out.  Preterm induction (before 39 weeks) is not good for babies. But what about induction at 39, 40 or even the common 41.6 weeks?   The rate of induction of labor in the U.S. has risen from 9.6% in 1990 to 25.7% in 2018, including 31.7% […]

If you are not happy to be induced, your provider ...

Lately the doula profession has become kind of “cool”,  and every year there are more and more doulas and doula groups popping up in NH and on the Seacoast.  On the surface, the option of more doulas from which to find a good match might seem like a new parent’s […]

Who’s Your Doula?

  I had new head shots done last night with Tara Photography. It was a big deal for me because I HATE to have my picture taken. It’s the whole “I don’t like what I look like ” thing that so many of us struggle with. I know I am […]

Beautiful You

Soup is a quick and easy meal for postpartum, and is also a great choice for preparing ahead and freezing. The best way to make your soup as healing and sustaining as possible is to always start with a rich bone broth base. Bone broth contains minerals in a form […]

Postpartum Nourishment – Soups on!

Stretch Marks. Ugh. Women all over the world lament this common side effect of pregnancy.  The majority of women will get some stretch marks during pregnancy, usually appearing at around 30 weeks. But whether or not you get them, and how many you get, depends a lot more on your […]

Stretch Marks – not as simple as you thought.

Let’s face it, being a labor partner can be pretty stressfull;  especially when you slept through most of the childbirth class.   You might not even be sure if you really want to see everything that may happen between the time you pull into the hospital parking lot and your […]

Two Simple Ways ANYONE Can Be a Super Hero in ...

When you tell people your baby is due in the summer you get a lot of comments about how miserable you will be. Dragging a belly full of baby around in the summer heat while everyone else is lithely enjoying sports and activities in tiny outfits with lots of brown […]

NH Seacoast Summer Pregnancy Bucket List